Banana Strawberry Smoothies

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Banana Strawberry Smoothies following Strawberries, Bananas, Apple Juice, Yoghurt, Ice Cubes

The ingredient of Banana Strawberry Smoothies

  • 2 2 3 cups strawberries
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 cups apple juice
  • 2 1 4 cups yoghurt
  • 8 ice cubes

Nutritions of Banana Strawberry Smoothies

@type: nutritioninformation
@type: 210 calories
@type: 42 grams
@type: 15 milligrams
@type: 3 grams
@type: 4 grams
@type: 5 grams
@type: 2 grams
@type: 60 milligrams
@type: 31 grams