Pimms Granita

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set in motion your festive feast with a glass of refreshing Pimms granita.

The ingredient of Pimms Granita

  • 2 lebanese cucumbers peeled halved lengthways
  • 100g 1 2 cup caster sugar
  • 500ml 2 cups pimms no 1 cup
  • 500ml 2 cups chilled ginger ale

The Instruction of pimms granita

  • place a shallow metal container in the freezer to chill use a teaspoon to scoop seeds from cucumber coarsely chop cucumber and place in a fine sieve over a bowl sprinkle when sugar and toss to coat set aside for 30 minutes to soften
  • use your hands to squeeze excess liquid from cucumber discard liquid place cucumber in a bowl amass pimms and ginger ale and disturb to combine place pimms merger in chilled container cover with foil and place in freezer for 2 hours
  • use a fork to postponement taking place in the works the frozen granita return granita to the freezer for 4 hours stirring completely hour or until set
  • cut off surgically remove from freezer and set aside for 10 minutes to soften spoon granita among small serving glasses

Nutritions of Pimms Granita

calories: 202 911 calories
calories: n a
calories: n a
calories: 33 grams carbohydrates
calories: 33 grams sugar
calories: n a
calories: n a
calories: n a
calories: 11 66 milligrams sodium
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation